Hi Mike & Rob,
I just wanted to let you know what a tremendous result we have had with your bulls across our Angus cow herd this year.
At our home farm we have 3 of the 2017 yearling Black Simmental Bulls covering a herd of 82 cows either 3, 4 or 5 yrs old and despite the challenging year (and 24 cows having only their second calf) we have 100% success rate in terms of pregnancy.
What an outstanding result! Almost as good across our other Angus herd of 145 cows of various ages from 5yrs old to 12 yrs old where we have 6 Black Simmental Bulls from 2 yrs old to 5yrs old we have had only 7 empties or 95.2% success rate.
When you consider and if you remove the 3 empties that were old cows the result is even better at 97.2%. Across the entire herd the result is 98% success rate. I look forward to seeing you at this year’s bull sale!