Introvigne Grazing Company
197 DeZotti Rd, Bridgetown, WA 6255

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A commitment to science

In our quest for excellence in performance recording we are now applying more science than ever before by entering our 450 stud females on the American Simmental Association (ASA) database while maintaining our primary registrations with Simmental Australia.

Simmental Australia’s Breedplan evaluation will continue to be utilised with Bonnydale continuing to submit trait data. Bonnydale has also agreed to allow Simmental Australia to import nearly 800 DNA profiles for Bonnydale animals from ASA.

In addition to this significant investment we have changed the name the stud operates under from Bonnydale Simmental Farms to Bonnydale Black Simmentals, a deliberate attempt to differentiate our Black Simmental and Simangus from traditional Simmental.

WHY? Because we believe they are simply superior cattle in every aspect of commercial profitability. They are the new generation Simmental who deliver improved calving ease, powerful growth and carcase values, maternal excellence and docility. Every Purebred Simmental in our herd is based on US genetics and our Simangus share those genetics so it made sense to utilise the science behind the massive ASA database to benchmark our herd. In our pursuit of excellence in performance recording we could no longer ignore the benefits of ASA’s enormous database which will also allow us to utilise Genomic enhanced EPD’s now instead of waiting for the Australian system to be able to undertake this task.

The American Simmental Association utilises its Sire Evaluation Program and Carcase Merit Program to provide comprehensive data to enhance its genetic evaluation. In these programs young sires are tested in “real world” commercial situations and data is collected from 41 different commercial herds in 18 states with steers fed and slaughtered in nearly every cattle feeding region in the U.S.

We believe the icing on the cake is International Genetic Solutions (IGS). IGS is a collaboration of 12 progressive breed associations, with ASA having a considerable stake, that have put the needs of the commercial cattle producer first by creating an unprecedented multi breed genetic evaluation. With over 16 million total animals and 400,000 plus new animals being added annually, IGS has the largest beef genetic evaluation system in the world. Bonnydale is now part of this evaluation.

To maintain its leadership position, IGS is currently collaborating with world-renown geneticists from Theta Solutions LLC, in the development of what is soon to be the world’s most advanced genetic evaluation system. Dubbed BOLT (Biometric Open Language Tools), this system will greatly enhance the beef industry’s ability to leverage genomic information, thereby accelerating genetic improvement at rates beyond currently possible.

While this investment will not change what commercial cattlemen see at Bonnydale it will underpin the genetic evaluation accuracy and assist accelerated genetic gain. The bulls that are offered for sale annually will provide superior genetic potential delivering added value to their commercial progeny.
