Introvigne Grazing Company
197 DeZotti Rd, Bridgetown, WA 6255

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The Inaugural Bonnydale Qld Sale ~ 25th Sept 2020 ~ Roma

Welcome to the Inaugural Bonnydale QLD Black Simmentals Bull Sale to be held at Roma Qld on Friday 25th September 2020.

This inaugural offering is of the quality buyers have come to expect from the Bonnydale Australia program, an offering that represents the principles of the Bonnydale “Triangle B” brand of Integrity, Innovation & Investment.

This catalogue harnesses the power of a combined 2,000 breeders across two states, Western Australia and Queensland and delivers sires that are backed by people with astute and practical cattle sense while utilising the benefits of science.  Each sire is DNA parent verified and carries comprehensive Genomic Enhanced EPD’s provided by the largest multi breed beef evaluation system in the world.  The dedication, to concise performance evaluation, by all those involved with the Bonnydale Australia program ensures pedigree integrity and increased performance assurance.

Bonnydale Black Simmentals is based in Bridgetown WA and was established by the Introvigne family as a Simmental seedstock business in 1974 and while success followed the change to a total Black Simmental program began in 2006 to deliver what our bull customers required in order to meet future beef industry demands.  Today the Bonnydale brand is synonymous with producing the very best Black Simmental genetics in Australia backed by unparalleled after sales service to ensure our clients stay at the forefront of a demanding beef industry. The Bonnydale genetic program is built on a partnership, supplying elite genetics, with one of the USA’s leading beef industry participants, Willie Altenburg, Altenburg Simmental Ranch based at Fort Collins, Colorado. This partnership not only provides the best in USA Black Simmental genetics but utilises the extensive industry knowledge Willie has acquired over his long distinguished beef industry career.

Bonnydale WA operates 3,000 hectares in the blue ribbon agricultural region of the Blackwood River Valley across the Darling Range. The 1,000 head breeding herd consists of 600 registered stud females and an expanding 400 head commercial herd run alongside a 1,700 hectare cropping program. The annual bull sale in February each year attracts strong local and Eastern States support which has developed Bonnydale into one of Western Australia’s leading seedstock operations and annual bull sales.

Bonnydale QLD was developed as a partnership between the Introvigne family and Jake Berghofer and his partner Emma Patterson.  Two family operations that share the same values on Integrity, Innovation and Investment has delivered an opportunity to better service the large Queensland client base and potential market which the Introvigne family had initially developed.  Jake and Emma’s informed local expertise enables them to not only deliver elite genetics but strong aftersales service our clients have come to expect.

The Bonnydale QLD herd is operated over a diverse landscape ensuring the Bonnydale genetics thrive in all scenarios across Australia.  Jake and Emma operate 1,400 hectares at Kingaroy being the stud base, 1400 hectares at Toogoolawah and 16,000 hectares at Eulo in Western Queensland.  The 1,000 breeder herd consists of 300 registered females and 700 commercial females.  The plan is to continue building the stud herd to provide, not only increased availability of bulls, but stringent selection pressure on sires offered for sale.   The herd was initially developed with the importation of elite heifers and embryos from Bonnydale WA.  The Queensland herd is owned in partnership while Jake and Emma oversee the management and Mike and Rob provide expertise to the genetics program.

A strong commitment to data recording, pedigree integrity and herd health is paramount to the continued development of the program.  Data is meticulously collected for birth Weight, calving ease, weaning and yearling weight, docility, carcase ultra sound scanning, scrotal size and mature cow weight.  Every animal in the herd is DNA parent verified and carries Genomic Enhanced performance data (EPD’s) through the American Simmental Association’s, IGS Multi Breed Genetic Evaluation which has over 17.5 million animals recorded.  This rigorous strategy ensures potential buyers can select and purchase with confidence the genetics they are seeking to enhance their breeding program. Herd health is a major component of the Bonnydale program so as to provide sires that will thrive throughout a diverse range of Australian environments where they may face potential disease challenges so we feel it is essential to have the bulls well prepared for anything that is thrown at them.

This inaugural offering includes 27 Black Simmental, 19 Simangus and 7 Superblacks (9% Bos Indicus). They include sons of renowned sires such as RCR Augustus R54, Bonnydale Augustus L84, Bonnydale Nashville, LRS Unlimited 752A, Bonnydale Kruger, Koch Big Timber 685D, Bonnydale SA Matauri, Bonnydale SA Tank and Superblack sire Bonnydale SB Night Rider (Superblack).

Leading the team is lot 3, Bonnydale QLD Unlimited P33 an impressive beef machine, ET bred by US sire LRS Unlimited 752A and out of elite donor Bonnydale Lil Dessi K183.  Unlimited P33 provides the ideal combination of his sires power and performance with the maternal excellence of the Lil Dessi cow family.

Lot 10, Bonnydale QLD Augustus P56 is an exceptional combination of Bonnydale Augustus L84 and Bonnydale Jenny K196 that delivers on performance data a balanced sires outlook. 

Lot 2, Bonnydale Nashville Q203, provides access to W/C Widetrack 694Y genetics through his sire Bonnydale Nashville N70.  These exceptional genetics will only be found at Bonnydale and provide a balanced package of performance and visual appeal.

Each of these 53 sires offers astute cattle people the opportunity to secure herd improving genetics which are guaranteed for temperament, fertility and structural soundness while being backed by unsurpassed aftersales service.