Leading up to our 25th Annual On-Property Bull Sale to be held on Monday 8th March 2021 we wish to celebrate the success our loyal customers have achieved with their Bonnydale sired Simangus weaners over the last two months.
These videos and photo provide a glimpse of the outstanding Simangus weaners offered at Boyanup, WA during the months of November and December. Bonnydale sired Simangus weaners from our loyal customers topped the sales on numerous occasions with spirited bidding from lotfeeders, grass fatteners and those looking to secure future breeders, a feature of these offerings.
Vendors – SWS Pastoral, Yornup Holdings, Bass & Pinch, Camden Hill Grazing, M Boyle and Yates Family Trust.

Congratulations to loyal Bonnydale customer Tirano Farms on supplying these outstanding Bonnydale sired milk fed Simangus calves to Woolworths. 230 mixed sex calves averaged 250kg HSCW
Rodney Wilson of Yornup Holdings said he is convinced of the benefits maternal hybrid vigour brings to his beef operation and the overall performance of the Simangus female.
Featured is a selection of Bonnydale sired Simangus rising two year old heifers due to calve in February/March 2021. Yornup Holdings, Yornup WA.