Introvigne Grazing Company
197 DeZotti Rd, Bridgetown, WA 6255

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Bonnydale Black Simmental sale at Bridgetown top $23,000 twice

A BLISTERING result saw the record books rewritten again at Bonnydale Black Simmentals 26th annual on-property yearling bull sale at Bridgetown on Monday.

Following Bonnydale’s record breaking 25th anniversary sale last year, the stud continues to go from strength-to-strength with a constantly improving sale team and an expanding client base combining for a humbling result for the Introvigne family and the Bonnydale team.

Values reached $23,000 twice at the Bonnydale Black Simmental and SimAngus on-property yearling bull sale at Bridgetown on Monday. With the two Black Simmental bulls that sold to PN & DN Johnston, Wandella Farm, Willyung, for the sale’s equal $23,000 top price Bonnydale Nukara S66 (PP) (right bull pictured) and $21,000 second top price Bonnydale Nashville S122 (PP) were Pearce Watling (left), Elders Donnybrook, Bonnydale stud co-principal Rob Introvigne, buyer Doug Johnston with Mick Pratt, Ballawinna Angus, Albany and Connor DeCampo, Bonnydale stud.

It sees the Bonnydale stud as among the leading Black Simmental breeders in the country and the sale team of 76 Black Simmental and SimAngus bulls was touted as the most even in quality yet, both from the Introvignes and buyers alike.

Stretching from the northern agricultural area, the Great Southern to the deep south, 60 prospective buyers had their name on the register and enjoyed selecting from the even team of extensively measured, well-grown homozygous polled yearling bulls with softness and muscling reflecting the family’s astute breeding principals and superior proven genetics in play.

They joined plenty of interest on AuctionsPlus with eight bulls selling to Queensland and New South Wales.

Following a delicious luncheon, attention swung to Elders stud stock auctioneer Nathan King overseeing his first Bonnydale sale following the retirement of long-time sale auctioneer Gary Preston.

And from the outset it became clear: if you want a Bonnydale bull, get ready to bid for him.

With the $23,000 equal top-priced bull Bonnydale Broad Range S35 (by Gibbs 7382E Broad Range) that sold on AuctionsPlus to Tony Horvath and Roslyn Ware, Fairview Black Simmental stud, Mungallala, Queensland, were Trinity Golding, Graze Media, representing AuctionsPlus, top-priced bull sponsor Jarvis Polglaze, Zoetis Australia, Bonnydale stud co-principal Rob Introvigne and Pearce Watling, Elders Donnybrook.

With the $23,000 equal top-priced bull Bonnydale Broad Range S35 (by Gibbs 7382E Broad Range) that sold on AuctionsPlus to Tony Horvath and Roslyn Ware, Fairview Black Simmental stud, Mungallala, Queensland, were Trinity Golding, Graze Media, representing AuctionsPlus, top-priced bull sponsor Jarvis Polglaze, Zoetis Australia, Bonnydale stud co-principal Rob Introvigne and Pearce Watling, Elders Donnybrook.

This proved the case with buoyant buying support from start to finish and at the completion of selling, the Elders selling team had recorded a total clearance of the catalogue and set a new record sale average of $11,250.

This was a $1724 jump on last year’s sale record average of $9526 from 78 of 79 bulls to sell at auction.

Fifty Black Simmental bulls sold to $23,000 twice and averaged $12,570, up $2630 on last year’s sale where 50 of 51 bulls sold under the hammer to average $9940.

The SimAngus surprisingly bucked this trend with a minor dip in average from last year’s sale with 26 bulls selling to $14,000 and a $8712 average, down $74 on last year where all 28 bulls averaged $8786.

Doug Johnston, PN & DN Johnston, Wandella Farm, Willyung, and Mick Pratt, Ballawinna Angus, Albany, helped get the event off to a flyer, paying the $23,000 equal top price and second top price of $21,000 for two Black Simmental bulls inside the first six lots.

Top-priced honours went to Bonnydale Nukara S66, a 739kg mid-January 2021 born son of influential sire Bonnydale Nukara N73 and out of a W/C Wide Track 694Y daughter.

The bull recorded a strong spread of American Simmental Association’s expected progeny differences (EPDs) including top two per cent for backfat (BF), top 4pc yearling grade (YG) and ribeye area (REA) and top 15pc for weaning (WW) and carcase weights (CW).

Their earlier purchase was a 712kg late January 2021 born son of Bonnydale Nashville N70 and a Bonnydale Jim Beam daughter, a moderate birthweight bull with solid figures including top 15pc average daily gain (ADG), top 10pc YG and top 20pc calving ease (CE).

Mr Johnston and Mr Pratt share neighbouring properties and run separate entities but work together with their breeding programs and will look to breed Black Simmental and SimAngus progeny in the future.

They said the two new bulls will be used in an embryo transfer program and will form the foundation sires of Mr Johnston’s new Wandella Black Simmental stud.

Buyers Ian (left) and Brenton Hopkins, HM & OE Hopkins, Chapman Hill and Elders trainee Emma Dougall inspecting the bulls before the Bonnydale sale. The Hopkins purchased the sale's $14,000 top-priced SimAngus bull, Bonnydale SA Matauri S449 (PP) (5/8 Black Simmental).

Buyers Ian (left) and Brenton Hopkins, HM & OE Hopkins, Chapman Hill and Elders trainee Emma Dougall inspecting the bulls before the Bonnydale sale. The Hopkins purchased the sale’s $14,000 top-priced SimAngus bull, Bonnydale SA Matauri S449 (PP) (5/8 Black Simmental).

Mr Johnston said he had traditional Simmental bulls in the past but was keen to go down the Black Simmental path.

“A lot of breeds lack meat on their rump and after seeing photos of the Bonnydale yearling bulls, I rang Mick and said we should take a look,” Mr Johnston said.

“I looked through the bulls and picked two out that were the best package to suit us which were the two bulls we ended up with.

“I was very impressed with the sale team, you could buy any of the bulls with confidence.”

Mr Pratt said they were looking to build the Black Simmental breed in their local area.

“In consultation with Richard Hall we try to source the best genetics we can find,” Mr Pratt said.

“We are keen to work with the Introvignes and build on something in our southern area, not try and reinvent the wheel.”

The next sale topper didn’t eventuate until lot 43 when Bonnydale Broad Range S35 was knocked down to Tony Horvath and Roslyn Ware, Fairview Black Simmental stud, Mungallala, Queensland, who was operating on AuctionsPlus.

The Introvignes equally rated the upcoming sire by new bloodline Gibbs 7382E Broad Range and retained a quarter semen share.

Elders, Waroona livestock representative Wade Krawczyk (left), looked through the Bonnydale bulls with Richard Gardiner and Vaughn Byrd, Alcoa Farmlands, Wagerup/Pinjarra. Alcoa Farmlands purchased four bulls at the sale (two Black Simmental and two SimAngus) costing from $7000 to $14,000.

Elders, Waroona livestock representative Wade Krawczyk (left), looked through the Bonnydale bulls with Richard Gardiner and Vaughn Byrd, Alcoa Farmlands, Wagerup/Pinjarra. Alcoa Farmlands purchased four bulls at the sale (two Black Simmental and two SimAngus) costing from $7000 to $14,000.

Suited to heifer joinings, the 656kg mid-January 2021 born bull recorded curve bending performance ranking in the top 4pc maternal calving ease (MCE) and top 10pc for CE and BW, while in the top 5pc REA, top 10pc YG, top 25pc for WW, YW and BF and top 15-20pc for both $Ti and $API indexes.

Buyer Tony Horvath said while they had used Bonnydale genetics in AI programs, it is the first physical bull they have purchased from Bonnydale.

He said the bull ticked a lot of boxes and would suit their own and their client’s conditions.

“We follow the Bonnydale stud well and always have an eye out for new sires,” Mr Horvath said.

“He fits what we are looking for in western Queensland where it’s a bit marginal and we have clients further out in mulga country.

“Low birthweight, calving ease and maternal calving ease with good growth, marbling and fat cover, the type of bull that will make you money.

“A more moderate frame bull carrying a lot of meat with the ability to hold condition and produce early maturing progeny and replacement females.”

Mr Horvath said they will collect semen from the bull before it leaves WA as insurance and will use the bull in both AI and solidly as a backup bull.

He said he is excited to see the 13-month-old bull grow out and mature and generate strong accuracies on some of his traits.

Testament to the evenness of the sale team and subsequent buying support was the extensive number of buyers that were prepared to pay top dollar for their bulls of choice, unfortunately too great a number to mention everyone in this report.

The next highest price of $19,000 was paid on two occasions.

RA & RE Gerovich, Albany, were first to pay it for lot 18 when they collected another curve bending mid-January 2021 born son of new sire WS Proclamation E202 and an RCR Augustus R54 daughter that ranked in the top 1pc for docility, top 5-10pc for WW, YW, CW and maternal weaning weight (MWW) and top 15pc REA.

H Wolfe & Co, Bornholm, bided their time until lot 51 before paying $19,000 for a low birthweight (top 20pc) early January 2021 born Broad Range son out of a Bonnydale Augustus L84 daughter with a strong set of figures including top 10pc CE, ADG and MCE, top 15pc YW, CW and REA.

Wannamal producer J Ogerly made the trek worthwhile when they paid $18,500 for another Broad Range son in the top 2pc REA, top 3pc for WW and YW, top 4pc ADG and top 10pc YG.

A bid shy at $18,000 was outlaid by four different buyers.

SWS Pastoral Co, Bridgetown, saved their best to last with their third and final purchase knocked down for $18,000 for a lower birthweight early February 2021 drop Broad Range son in the top 10-20pc CE, BW and MCE, top 2pc REA, top 5pc YG and top 20pc stayability of daughters.

Others to pay to $18,000 for selections were Jacques Martinson, Elders Busselton, representing RG & R Poole, Busselton, for one of two bulls, a 770kg late January 2021 born Nashville N70 son, Pearce Watling, Elders Donnybrook, purchased a 720kg mid-January 2021 born high growth son of Nukara on behalf of 6Plus Grazing, Queensland, and G & JM Perrella, Northcliffe, secured a 736kg high ranking Proclamation E202 son born mid-January 2021.

Some of the sales more prominent buyers of Black Simmental bulls included well-known commercial SimAngus producers Glyn Yates, G & RE Yates, Collie, with three bulls costing from $12,000 to $17,000 at a healthy average of $14,000, long-time Bonnydale supporter Alf Carroll, Tirano Farms, Nannup, paid $16,000 and $14,000 for his two bulls, lucky buyer prize winner, courtesy of Boehringer (Eprinex), Temasek Holdings, Cowaramup, bid $10,000 and $14,000 for two new bulls and a NSW buyer on AuctionsPlus paid to $10,000 for three bulls.

The SimAngus line-up saw values reach $14,000 with Ian and Brenton Hopkins, HM & OE Hopkins, Chapman Hill, bidding top dollar for a 5/8th 808kg mid-January 2021 born son of Bonnydale SA Matauri N304 and a Bonnydale SA Elevator L348 daughter which displayed an impressive set of figures ranking in the top 1pc ADG, top 2pc YW, top 4pc WW and stayability, top 10pc MWW and top 15pc CW.

Big Valley Pastoral Company, Eneabba, was the sale’s most influential buyer, finishing with a team of six bulls including five SimAngus costing from $8000 to $12,500 and a Black Simmental bull late in the sale for $12,000.

A Queensland buyer on AuctionsPlus paid to $9000 for four SimAngus bulls, Donnybrook producers KM & BJ Giudici & Son sourced three bulls at strong values including two SimAngus for $12,000 each and a Black Simmental for $13,000.

Alcoa Farmlands, Wagerup/Pinjarra, was another volume buyer collecting two SimAngus bulls and two Black Simmental bulls costing from $7000 to $14,000.

Article taken from Farm Weekly.