Why QLD?
The decision to develop a herd in Queensland was due to the considerable interest in Bonnydale Black Simmental genetics over the last couple of years.
After first purchasing Bonnydale bulls in 2015 and seeing the incredible impact they had on their commercial cross bred cows, Queensland clients Jake Berghofer & Emma Patterson raised the idea of establishing a Bonnydale seedstock herd in QLD.

Jake & Emma along with their 3 children (Angus, Elyse & Lachlan) now share ownership of the 300 QLD based Bonnydale Black Simmental Breeders and manage these alongside their 200 stud Brangus cows and 400 commercial breeders on their properties at Moffatdale, Esk & Eulo. While Introvigne Grazing Company, “Bonnydale Black Simmentals”, supplies all genetic material, walking sires and the expertise for the venture known as BONNYDALE QLD.
The foundation herd was built on over 100 elite embryos plus 2 shipments of heifers from the WA herd which first arrived in 2017. Since then Bonnydale QLD has continued to develop a herd based on elite Bonnydale cow lines, new American embryos and semen, plus leading walking sires from Bonnydale WA.

Bonnydale Augustus L84:
2016 National Record Black Simmental Bull & sire of many of the Bonnydale QLD foundation females
QLD Sales
Bonnydale Black Simmental, SimAngus & Superblack (Black Simm x Brangus) Bulls sell in QLD annually at:
- Bonnydale QLD Sale – last Wednesday in August, Roma Saleyards
- QLD Simmental Bull Sale, Gracemere Saleyards
- Balonne Bull Sale, Nindigully
Bulls are backgrounded and finished at Jake & Emma’s property ‘Barambah Dale’ near Moffatdale in the South Burnett and visitors are welcome any time to view the bulls and the Bonnydale cow herd.

Contact Jake and Emma.
- Jake – Ph: 0418 649 666
- Emma – Ph: 0429 622 809.