- Daniels Well Feedlot, A O’Meehan & Co.
Paul O’Meehan, Owner/Director, Daniels Well Feedlot, A O’Meehan & Co.
“We have had the pleasure of feeding the Introvigne’s Bonnydale Black Simmental cross steers in our Daniel’s Well Feedlot. The performance and market suitability of these cattle ticked all the boxes for our high end programs including Woolworths Domestic Supermarket and WMPG Japanese 120 Day Grain-fed Export.
I would be happy to recommend these genetics to any discerning cattleman looking to supply todays demanding market programs”.
- Candetti Cattle Co
Mick Jackson, Candetti Cattle Co, Keith, South Australia.
I started cross breeding with Black Simmental genetics in an attempt to obtain hybrid vigour, to give that extra grunt that our straight Angus was failing to provide. I started with AI using genetics from the US, these results lead me to search Australia looking for suitable bulls.
In 2008 I first purchased a semen share in a Bonnydale Black Simmental stud bull. After waiting to see the results, I was so impressed I returned to inspect the full Bonnydale stud and commercial herds.
I attended the stud sale and jointly purchased two Black Simmental flush brothers. The Bonnydale program is focused on sound structure and easy doing cattle without any short cuts .I believe Bonnydale will continue to produce the highly fertile, soft muscled, well structured bulls that I require to value add my Angus and Simangus herds.
- Corinda Downs Beef
Mark & Julie Peucker, Corinda Downs Beef, Mt Gambia, South Australia.
If you are wanting to be a quality beef producer in the future you need to choose wisely what you breed now. We believe that the Introvigne’s have a very good view of the future of beef production in this country and this is evident in their cattle.
The Bonnydale cattle suit very well the direction we are heading with our own breeding program. We have an emphasis on calving ease, growth rates and market acceptance.
On top of all that, they are good people to deal with.
- Tirano Farms
Alf Carroll, Tirano Farms, Cundinup.
We began using Bonnydale Black Simmentals in 2014, to go over Angus-Friesian females and have achieved excellent results.
- Average mob weights for 8-9 month old calves have increased (since using Black Simmentals) up to 29kg live weight at time of selling. This means more calves meet the minimum weight for slaughter reducing the number of “left over” calves.
- Better shape calves that show both length and thickness with no lean “slabby” types.
- Increase in fat measurements of carcass and high MSA index’s.
- Shorter gestation = lighter calves born & we also use the Black Simmental bulls over heifers with no problems.
- Buying yearling bulls works well for us, we gain an extra year’s service from them and they are no trouble when mixing with the older Bulls therefore fitting right in.
- Dimitriou & Sons
Rob Dimitriou J & Y Dimitriou & Sons. Manjimup.
We have been dealing with Bonnydale Black Simmentals for the last 15 years. We have achieved excellent results with our calves. In our first draft this year we sent 80% of our baby beef with average weights at 245kg dressed with 10-12mm fat score.
We have received an excellence in eating quality awards for meat standards Australia, which has placed us in the top 100 producers for Western Australia for two years in a row.
The service that Introvigne’s provide to us has been outstanding.
- Peter, Donna & Luke Blechynden
Peter, Donna & Luke Blechynden Yornup.
Congratulations to Peter, Donna & Luke Blechynden of Yornup on their success at the 2017 Bridgetown Agricultural Show. They were awarded “Best Single Vealer” and “Best Pair of Vealers” on the hoof.
Donna said, ‘the single vealer weighed 249kg dressed with the whole line averaging 230kg with plenty of fat cover. I am very happy with our first year of Black Simmental calves’.
- Glyn Yates
Hi Mike & Rob,
I just wanted to let you know what a tremendous result we have had with your bulls across our Angus cow herd this year.
At our home farm we have 3 of the 2017 yearling Black Simmental Bulls covering a herd of 82 cows either 3, 4 or 5 yrs old and despite the challenging year (and 24 cows having only their second calf) we have 100% success rate in terms of pregnancy.
What an outstanding result! Almost as good across our other Angus herd of 145 cows of various ages from 5yrs old to 12 yrs old where we have 6 Black Simmental Bulls from 2 yrs old to 5yrs old we have had only 7 empties or 95.2% success rate.
When you consider and if you remove the 3 empties that were old cows the result is even better at 97.2%. Across the entire herd the result is 98% success rate. I look forward to seeing you at this year’s bull sale!